Χριστίνα Μήτρεντσε

Culture, just like climate, is hard to see and harder to measure: “We can never expect to encounter culture “on the ground’” (Ingold 1994), just as no-one has ever “seen’”climate. Instead: what we find are people whose lives take them on a journey through space and time in environments full of significance, who use both words and material artefacts to get things done and to communicate with others, and who, in their talk, endlessly spin metaphors so as to weave labyrinthine and ever-expanding networks of symbolic equivalence. So, it is safer to say that people live culturally rather than they live in cultures. Therefore, climate and ecological crisis are an indication of a deep and spiritual crisis. At the root of this is the insight that humans are the cause of both climate change and the loss of biodiversity. This forms a challenge that is both existential and ethical. I have created a show real featuring current and older publications on the concept of Climate, from my ATML and #BDF (Bibliographic Data Flow) archive. These books approaching Climate from a sociopolitical, spiritual, cultural and ecological perspective. Organised as emanations of social experiences the books amalgamate into an infinite Meta-Library.


May 2024